Thursday, 17 January 2013

Production: First draft of the opening sequence

With the knowledge I know, I have produced a first draft of the opening sequence.

Firstly, I have used calming music to help give off the impression that it is a trailer suggestive of a genre that is soothing and relaxed, as opposed to presenting the horror genre straight off the bat. This is unlike other horror trailers, where they want to build suspense up straight away by using eerie music to begin with. Also, I use this music with the information of what audience should be watching this, as well as the production logo to give credit to their work. However, it is important to note that the green screen information is not the actual one that I will use for the final draft, since the information is inaccurate (like it shows that it's from America when it's produced in the UK). I am only using that as a reference.

However, suddenly, there is a static sound, and PAL colour bars that are seen on a TV, to give off a distorted effect, and catch the viewer from a false sense of security. This also helps imply the horror genre, as the distorted effect help suggest that it is something that you would not expect, but also gives the viewer a shock. Giving the viewer a shock is the intention that we aim to give off, since the horror genre is intended to shock and scare the viewer in a sense of surprise.

We then go on to intertitles where there some insight to the main character's thoughts. Not only is this applying enigma codes to my trailer, but it also helps the viewer understand the trailer. For example, "Why did this happen to me" has the viewer guessing on what did happen to this girl. Also, since the spotlight is constantly on the girl, it shows that she is the main character, and does imply that the quotes are coming from her point of view in an ominous way.

We then continue to tell the story in a consecutive way, showing that the girl's take pictures, and the camera shots are shown. This is so the viewer understands the disruption that is being created.

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