Saturday, 5 January 2013

Semiotics Theory

Semiotics is "the study of signs that help us deconstruct Media Texts". What this means is that we look at representations within media texts (any outlet of media), and we use them to understand the subtextual meaning of that media text.

When considering about semiotics, there are 9 terms that are relevant to this:

The fixing of a set of meanings, often found in an paragraph or magazine. This means that producer directly tells the viewer of their intentions. Common examples of this are captions under a photo, or through other pieces of written text. We don't to intend to use this since this isn't a still piece of media text. A voiceover may be considered.

Arbitrary Sign
Where the signifier has no connection to the signified e.g Snow and Christmas, as everyone already implies that both events are most likely to occur in the Winter period. Another example would be Autumn and falling leaves. In relation to our trailer, this may be used in running shots and heavy breathing, to imply that they are running away from something that they're scared of.

A system of signs, languages or symbols that allow audiences to decode meaning. In simpler terms, this is a collaboration of signs to implement a meaning behind it. Examples usually derive from technical and symbolic codes, or narrative codes. In our trailer, we will collaborate a variety of shots to ensure that it is known that the girl who commits suicide is the killer. This will include running shots, distorted shots, and possibly an eerie voiceover.

Content Analysis
A way of decoding meaning by breaking down and studying the different elements of media texts

The expected format of a media text e.g A tabloid, broadsheet newspapers, or genre conventions in film or TV. Right now, we are trying to follow and challenge the conventions of the horror genre, as I've explained previously.

Often understood through the different system of communications produced by language/media and the arts from different countries. I will talk about cultural globalisation and how it affects my media work in a later blog post.

The various meanings/suggestions produced by the sign. For example, in our trailer, we could use destauration of shots to show the colour and vibrance being sucked out of life. We could further evaluate and say that this is the life of the protagonists that are suggestively being abducted. It could be said that they become much more weary of their surroundings, and become cautious of their own well being rather than enjoying life as they did before.

The Process where meaning is deconstructed or 'read' by audiences

The physical form of the sign.

How can this be applied to my production?

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